Life With Marianna

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Top 5 Goals for 2018

At the beginning of a new year, many of us make resolutions and goals they want to accomplish. I have set goals so many times but by mid January, they are always forgotten. I want 2018 to be different when it comes to these resolutions. I want to be able to accomplish them little by little. There is no better feeling than accomplishing short and long term goals. Aside from traveling more and seeing new places, I have some pretty big goals I'd like to accomplish this year. 1. Get My Bachelors

This is the year that I finally graduate college! For those who don't know, this is a major accomplishment due to the fact that I was so indecisive with my "future" and also because I hate school haha. I was also studying for something I wasn't even interested in. In the last year though, I have learned to love it and love what I am studying. I can finally say that I only  4 more classes (12 credits) till graduation!

2. Find My Ideal Job

I am excited to be able to find a job within my field once I graduate. I am also nervous about the process due to it being difficult for recently graduates. I haven't even graduate and I am just looking at what's out their because I am so excited to start applying. I have been working with kids for the past 5 years and feel that I am ready to move on. Wish me luck on the job hunting process!


3. Graduate School

This is a major goal I hope to accomplish! A few months back, the thought of graduate school crossed my mind. Having a master degree makes you more knowledgeable in the field you are studying and it also can benefit you with a higher salary. I am still undecided on what I would get my masters on but I am leaning more towards Journalism or Social Media and Communications. If you have any input or advice about either of these, drop a comment down below!

4. Weight-Loss

Before I typed weight loss, I hesitated and really thought about letting the world see this resolution. I am uncomfortable talking about weight loss and my struggles to anyone other than close friends and family. I'm pretty sure I am not the only one. This years goal is get down to a "healthy" weight. I want to incorporate more veggies and healthier options to my diet. I also want to get into shape and be able to climb the stairs without being out of breathe.

5. Blog More

Last and not least, I want to blog more and get better at it. I want to bring new content to you guys so that you could relate to me more other than my traveling. My new posts will discuss my weight loss journey and getting comfortable with my body. Don't worry, I wont turn into one of those fitness guru's. I just want to be able for you guys to see the good and bad in my life because duh I am human and I do have struggles. I also want to start sharing more content with you guys about my favorite restaurants, brands, and so much more.

So here's to completing these goals for 2018! I hope you can continue achieving those new year resolutions and little bit little start accomplishing them. Hope you guys have a great week!